Summary — Lesson 4

A static analysis solver cannot handle rigid body motion and may fail due to it. In this course, we discussed ways to prevent rigid body motion in models where contacts are involvedLet’s summarize the key points from each lesson. 

How to check initial contact conditions prior to solving: 

  • Improper definition of contacts may lead to rigid body motion, which a static analysis cannot handle. 
  • In order to save computational resources and time, it is recommended to use the Initial Contact Tool to ensure proper initial definition of contacts. 
  • To avoid simulation failure due to rigid body motion in the contact regions, we can either revise the geometry to remove any initial gaps or penetration, or we can apply interface treatment options to resolve the gaps/penetrations. 

How to use contact stabilization damping correctly: 

  • In cases where the geometry cannot be revised and interface treatment options cannot be used, contact stabilization damping can be used. 
  • When using contact stabilization damping, it is necessary to ensure that the stabilization energy is very small compared to the stiffness energy of the system. 

How to monitor results during solution:

  • Result trackers can help us identify incorrect model set up before the model is solved completely, thereby saving time. 
  • Contact trackers are useful for identifying rigid body motion due to loss of contact.
  • They also help to monitor a solution without stopping the simulation.