Frequency domain simulations are useful in studying photonic circuits in a steady-state. In this video lesson, you will learn about the basics of the frequency domain simulations in Ansys Lumerical INTERCONNECT.
Here are some of the typical application examples using frequency-domain simulations. See the “Related Links” for further information.
Straight Waveguide
In this example, the frequency-domain solver is used to obtain the frequency response of a waveguide. The simulation results of interest include the transmission power and phase, as well as the group delay and group velocity.
Ring resonator in steady-state
In this example, INTERCONNECT is used to build a double bus ring resonator circuit. Frequency-domain simulation is used to determine the response of the system as a function of the frequency/wavelength at the drop and through ports.
Ring modulator DC response
Ring modulators are tunable ring resonators. In this example, frequency-domain simulations are used to determine the frequency response of the ring modulator as a function of the modulation input voltage.
Fabry-Perot in steady-state
In this example, a frequency domain simulation is used to obtain the transmission spectrum of the Fabry-Perot etalon.