Spiral inductors have been around for a long time. They are used in wide range of applications ranging from LC tank circuits in filters to bias design for diodes, transistors, or oscillators. Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G devices have created even a greater need for on chip planar spiral inductor design.
This lesson covers the design and simulation steps of an on-chip spiral inductor model using Q3D extractor in Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT). It is important to understand the correct workflow of any simulation software tool to perform a simulation. This lesson covers the step-by-step Q3D workflow and spiral inductor model creation with the user-defined model (UDM) feature of AEDT.
This lesson shows you how to plot the various results after analyzing the model geometry including various field quantities using Ansys Q3D.
Ansys Electronics Desktop Student can be downloaded for free here.