Boundary Conditions

Click here to download a zipped file containing the User Defined Function (UDF) used in this tutorial.

Watch the following video for demonstrations:

Summary for the video:

  1. UDF: Define → User Defined → Functions → Interpreted.
  2. Boundary Conditions → Inlet → Velocity Inlet → Edit → Velocity Magnitude → Change "Constant" to "udf inlet_velocity".
  3. Outlet1 → Pressure Outlet → Edit → Gauge Pressure 13332.
  4. Outlet2 same as outlet1.

For ANSYS 19.2, follow the steps below

  1. User Defined →Functions →Interpreted
  2. Add UDF file vinlet_udf.c → Build →Read
  3. Boundary Conditions → Inlet → Velocity Inlet → Edit → Velocity Magnitude → Change "Constant" to "udf inlet_velocity".
  4. Outlet1 → Pressure Outlet → Edit → Gauge Pressure 13332
  5. Outlet2 same as outlet1