Add Widgets in your SCADE Display Design — Lesson 5

When using built-in widgets in your design, you need to copy the source code widgets to the Raspberry Pi.


5. A. On Windows Host – Additional Steps

  1. Copy the two folders in the SCADE Display installation folder examples\objects\Widgets\Code and examples\objects\Widgets\include.
    • scp -r examples\objecs\Widgets\Code
    • pi@<PI_IP_ADDRESS>:/home/pi/Desktop/Widgets/Code
    • scp -r examples\objecs\Widgets\include
    • pi@<PI_IP_ADDRESS>:/home/pi/Desktop/Widgets/include

5. B. Integrating the Code on Raspberry Pi – Additional Steps

  1. The sources used by the included widgets need to be identified. This can be done by reviewing the properties of each widget’s specifications. A support script that extracts the external sources from a SCADE Display project is attached. Give your SCADE Display project file as the argument for the script:
    • python.exe <<yourprojectfile>>.etp
  2. Add the identified source files to the gcc command.