Theory Quiz - Landscape Simulation

Total time - 20 mins.

Total number of Questions - 8

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Landscape Simulation — Theory Quiz



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1 / 8

Which of the following are the open boundary conditions supported by Ansys HFSS?
A. Radiation
B. Perfeclty Matched Layer
C. Finite Element Boundary Integral

2 / 8

Which of the following region type is used to model an electrically large object in Ansys Electronics Desktop?

3 / 8

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct for active SpaceClaim session with Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT)?
A. SpaceClaim model is loaded as User Defined Model (UDM) after connecting to active session.
B. Any changes made to the model in AEDT will also sync with SpaceClaim model.

4 / 8

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct for linking active SpaceClaim session with Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT)?
A. Both SpaceClaim and AEDT programs must be on the same release version.
B. Stand alone installation of SpaceClaim has no version dependency.

5 / 8

Which of the following can degrade performance of the wireless communication?
A. Fading
B. Diffraction
C. Reflection

6 / 8

Which of the following are true regarding the electromagentic waves?

7 / 8

Which setup is used for simulating electrically large models? (Choose best option)

8 / 8

Which of the following is true regarding FE-BI in Ansys HFSS?

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